Our Story

June 23, 2012 - I'll never forget that date!  That is when the Wood Hollow fire started in the hills to the west of Fairview, Utah - where I live!  On Sunday, June 24, 2012, the fire burned down the home of some great friends of ours, Dave and Janice Taylor.  I decided that I wanted to make them a quilt to try to bring them some comfort.

Within a few days, 52 homes were lost to this fire!  While we were evacuated for a short period of time, I decided to see if I could get some help from my "Quilty Friends" on my quilt blog Having Fun Quilting! to collect 52 quilts, so every family could have one!  I had no idea how tremendous the response would be!  Within a matter of days I had HUNDREDS of quilters who had committed to send in a quilt!  AMAZING! 

Well about a week after the fire started I realized that I would have more quilts than I needed for the Wood Hollow fire.  I began to do some research and found that there were many other wildfires in the Western United States destroying many other homes!  I knew then that I had to do something to help!  We shipped and delivered quilts to hundreds of families who had lost their homes to these wildfires!

In December 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit New York.  At the time I had 325 quilts left over from the fire season.  Hearing heart-breaking stories of how people lost everything they own to the hurricane and how cold they were because of the winter weather, I knew I couldn't hang onto those 325 quilts.  So I flew to New York and delivered them to people who had been affected by this disaster!

After that experience, we have decided to try to bring comfort to people that have been affected by a man-made tragedy or natural disaster throughout the United States.  Our goal is to place a quilt in the arms of each family that these events affect.  It is the least we can do as these families begin to rebuild their lives.  We feel that a quilt is a great place to start!

Thank you for your help!!!



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